Representative Payee

Our Representative Payee program assists individuals with a mental illness or intellectual disability diagnosis who are unable to manage their personal finances, including rent, food, and other needs.

Compeer Program

Mental wellness starts with friendship. This program matches those with a mental health challenge to a volunteer who will be a friend when it’s needed most.


We work hard everyday to give a voice to those who cannot speak for themselves by raising awareness and reducing the stigma associated with a mental illness diagnosis.


We offer workshops for our clients who want to take control of their personal finances by learning how to budget and spend their money wisely.

The Mental Health Association in Butler County is a non-profit organization that has been advocating for residents of Butler County, Pennsylvania since 1956.

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Representative Payee Services Provided

Disabled Individuals Helped

Compeer Matches

Let’s Do This

Together, we can change things for the better.